Ahead of the curve

What does FASIE stand for?

Since 1994 FASIE has been operating as the basic element of the National Innovative System implementing the state policy of development and support in the scientific and technical sphere in terms of:
  • Development and maintenance of national and regional infrastructure for innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) support and capacity building
  • Financial, informational and other types of assistance to enterprises set to produce high-tech products and services
  • Leverage of private investments to innovative SMEs
  • Facilitation of international cooperation and technology transfer for SMEs.

Representatives of FASIE are located in 77 regions of Russia, headquarters being located in Moscow.

FASIE also takes part in a number of bilateral and multilateral international programs, successfully served as National Contact Point for the 7-th EU Framework Program & Horizon 2020 and represents Russia in a number of other international projects.
Support programs
FASIE’s main mission is provision of financial grants, as well as infrastructural, informational, and other support for innovative SMEs producing high-tech and knowledge-based products and services implementing their own intellectual property. FASIE has developed a portfolio of programs each aimed at target support group.
Engagement of school-aged youth into innovative and scientific activities
  • Free events and competitions for under 18 years old innovators
  • 160 000 participants since 2015
Support for young innovators up to 30 years of age
  • Grants up to $ 7000 / 1 year
  • Supported projects 21 000 since 2007
Support for young innovators and existing as well as newly created start-ups on pre-seed and seed stages
  • Grants up to $ 142 000 / 1 year
  • Supported projects 8000 since 2004
Support for innovative SMEs implementing joint projects to develop new products with the participation of foreign partners
  • Grants up to $ 214 000 / 1,5 years
  • Supported projects 200 since 2006
Support for innovative SMEs that completed R&D and plan to release new products or expand innovative production
  • Grants up to $ 357 000 / 1 year
  • Supported projects 1300 since 2014
Support for innovative SMEs that have experience in development and sales of high technology products and plan R&D
  • Grants up to $ 285 000 / 1 year
  • Supported projects 7500 since 1994
FASIE in figures
For 29 years of activity on the development of innovative entrepreneurship by providing support to young inventors and small innovative enterprises, FASIE has achieved the following indicators:

FASIE budget by programs

United we can achieve more

FASIE has multiannual successful experience in bilateral and multilateral internationalisation programs for innovative SMEs, such as BRICS, ERA.Net RUS Plus, IRA-SME.
Main beneficiaries of FASIE in these programs are innovative SMEs seeking the establishment of partnership with foreign companies in business, technology transfer and joint IR&D.
FASIE provides tailored solutions to its clients in all areas of capacity building and development necessary for internationalisation.

Forms of joint activities
Together we will:
  • Define a list of projects of mutual interest
  • Select Russian participants whose competences meet the requirements (problem to be solved) of the project best
  • Organize joint R&D on topics of mutual interest

FASIE's aim is to provide financial, expert, advisory and other resources’ support to Russian enterprises participating in such R&D up to the “Ready-To-Market” stage.

The advantages you get:
1. Access to sources of knowledge, technology and creativity of the highest (top tier) quality
2. Capacity building, sustainable development and implementation of innovations
3. Increased chances of creating cutting-edge solutions / products / technologies
4. High cost-effectiveness
5. Lower risk of failure
6. Access to the Russian and CIS markets
FASIE ecosystem

Being essential part of the National Innovative System of Russia

FASIE has access to most of innovations

related institutions of the Country.

30% of companies listed in the “National champions” & “TechUp” high-tech companies national ratings are clients of FASIE.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Key Stakeholders of the National Innovative System of Russia
Leading R&D Institutions
Technology Parks & Incubators
Innovative SMEs
Industries’ Leaders
Private experts & Investors
Business and Tech Ratings
International Partners and Programs

We will help you to find an Innovation partner from Russia

Innovation Partners in question are participants of the FASIE ecosystem:

  • small and medium-sized innovative enterprises
  • top tier experts and consultancies
  • academic institutions
  • innovative-technological centers
  • incubators & accelerators of Russia and many more

The reliability of all of them has been confirmed by long-term cooperation with the FASIE.

International cooperation

FASIE suggests the following assistance to its’ potential partners
and clients:
  • Tailor-made solutions for businesses to overcome barriers to innovation and internationalisation and help them to find relevant business partners in Russia;
  • Disseminating information on the clients’ requests to local companies and potential business partners in Russia, as well as active search for matching companies;
  • Organizing on- and off-line face-to-face meetings with potential business partners, including international (physical / online / hybrid) B2B matchmaking events, company missions and participation in large international, fairs and support for international trade missions;
  • Advisory services to help clients to find business partners and identify joint business opportunities in Russia;
  • Exchange of market intelligence with partners and clients;
  • Innovational advisory services to facilitate international technology transfer agreements, advice on intellectual property rights portfolio management.

Services are rendered via the special IT platform FYBP.RU with regard to country specifics and national applicable guidelines.
Within the framework of the FASIE ’’Internationalization’’ program, 8 projects with partners from:
Armenia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Argentina, Turkey, Uzbekistan, BRICS countries

Best companies going global



+7 (495) 231-19-06 ext. 147 or 165

119034, Russia, Moscow, 3-rd Obidenskiy lane, 1, bld. 5